Dedicated To Pursuing Justice

State and private institutions and care facilities across Oregon and Washington have a duty to follow the law and to protect children, including children in their care and children reported to be victims of abuse or neglect.

At David L. Kramer, P.C., we understand how traumatic situations of abuse are for children, some of the most vulnerable members of our society. In our pursuit of justice to hold those in positions of power accountable, we will tirelessly work on behalf of the child, concerned family members or both.

Complications When Cases Involve The State

Child abuse and neglect can happen to children in state custody, to foster children or to children who are hurt after reported child abuse or neglect. It can happen in public or private institutions. Children suffer when caseworkers and caregivers fail to adequately investigate child safety issues or fail to properly license and monitor foster homes later found to be unsanitary, unsafe or abusive. State institutions or facilities could include:

  • Child protective services (CPS)
  • The Department of Human Services
  • After-school day care
  • Foster homes

For such emotionally charged and complex cases, you need an experienced trial attorney who is thorough, who fights for his clients and who finds solutions at each step of the process, including trial by jury. With 39 years of trial experience, much of which involves child victims and allegations of institutional abuse or neglect, attorney Kramer can help.

Consult With A Lawyer

Victims of child abuse and neglect, including parents and survivors, may be entitled to compensation. Schedule a free initial consultation at our office in Salem. Call 503-364-1117 or send us an email.