Steadfast Guidance Throughout Challenging Situations

Other children in care facilities or foster families can become perpetrators of abuse to fellow foster kids or peers. Such cases can be challenging as the upbringing or background of the abuser may have led to such wrongful behavior. Attorney David L. Kramer can assist in representing victims and holding perpetrators responsible for their actions.

The Duties Of State Agencies And Foster Parents

Action must be taken to prevent and admonish abuse that occurs under the watch of state agencies, foster families and other care facilities. Ignoring or taking insufficient action against the perpetrator can only enhance the situation or pose a greater risk to the victim.

Representing The Rights Of Victims

At David L. Kramer, P.C., we fight for the rights of child abuse victims across Oregon and Washington. Working with both victims and their loved ones, we will:

  • Listen to your concerns
  • Determine an appropriate course of action
  • Investigate the facts and background
  • Pursue legal action against all culpable parties
  • Represent you in negotiations or at trial

Taking complex abuse cases to trial is often beneficial in achieving an optimal outcome for victims and their family members. With over three decades of trial experience and knowledge of how defending a case in front of a jury can provide an advantage for the case, Mr. Kramer will not settle easily — he will take the case to court when possible.

Discuss A Case Of Abuse With A Lawyer

Consulting with an attorney can bring closure and potential compensation to your case. Schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with us in Salem to learn more. Call us at 503-364-1117 or send us an email.